
Friday, 29 July 2016

How to Grow Tomatoes in Your Aquaponics System

How to Grow….. 


 in your aquaponics system...


Plant name : 

Tomato - Solanum lycopersicum


Sun or very light shade

Size ( h x w ):

60 - 200 cm x 60 - 90cm

Spacing between plants : 

40 - 60cm

Temperature requirements : 

Optimum: 20 - 25°C  Fine at: 18 - 30°C

pH : 

5.5 - 6.5

Germination time :

From seed, expect germination in 4 - 6 days, with temperatures around 20 - 30°C

Aquaponic method : 

Deep Water Culture (DWC), Media beds.


Growing in Aquaponic systems : 

Fantastic plant for growing in an aquaponics system, of course, you must remember to give them some sort of support. Tomatoes are nutrient-hungry plants, with a taste for potassium, so be careful to plant according to the amount and size of fish that you have in your system.  At the younger stage of the plants life, it will be happy for a little more nitrogen to enable good, vegetative growth.  Once the flowers start arriving, then they need potassium to ensure good flowering and fruit production.

Growing Conditions : 

Plant your tomatoes in full sun, although they will manage in very light shade.  They love warm temperatures, and night-time temperatures of 13-14°C encourage fruit-set. They don't like hot drying winds, so some form of protection is advised if you live in areas where they are likely to suffer from wind-scorch.


Growing Instructions : 

Before you plant your tomatoes, which are ready for planting when they are 10 - 15cm tall, make sure you put in your plant supports so as to not disturb the root structure later on.  In aquaponics, it is not always easy to insert canes into the grow media, so try finding a way of tying string from above the grow bed, and growing the tomato plant up the string. (Just tie the string around the base of the plant). Do not plant your tomatoes outside until night-time temperatures level out at a minimum of 10°C.

If you have bush tomatoes you can leave the side shoots to grow. These will have clusters of flowers at the ends which will bear fruit.

Vine tomatoes, are grown as single stem plants, and you will need to pinch out the side shoots that appear between the leaf and main stem.  Remove the apical tip two leaves above the fourth truss of tomatoes (outdoor plants), or above the sixth truss if you are growing in a greenhouse. All the fruits should be growing out from the main stem.  Remove bottom leaves if required to control disease, otherwise leave them on.  There is no need to remove unless you absolutely have to.

You don't need to help outdoor tomatoes to pollinate, but indoor grown ones will need either a gentle shake to release the pollen, or a gentle misting on the flowers.

Harvesting : 

When the fruits are firm and fully coloured they are ready for picking, and will have the best flavour.  Keep the stalk on to keep them fresher for longer. If you pick un-ripened fruit, they will ripen indoors if kept in a warm, dark place. 


Pruning :


Pests : 

Aphids, Cutworms, Flea Beetles, Hornworms, Nematodes, Whitefly

Diseases :

Damping Off in seedlings, Fusarium Wilt, Mosaic Virus, Verticillum Wilt.

Environmental conditions :

Blossom End Rot, Catfacing, Cracking and Sun Scald.


I Love Aquaponics....

photo credit: Fall Colors via photopin (license)

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