
Monday, 2 January 2017

What is Aquaponics?

Aquaponics is a mix of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants) that grows fish and plants together in one integrated system.

The fish waste provides an organic food source for  growing the plants, and the plants provide a natural filter, cleaning the water, for the fish live in. 

The third team-members are the microbes (nitrifying bacteria) and composting red worms that thrive in the growing media. They do the job of converting the ammonia from the fish waste into nitrites, and then into nitrates that are food for the plants.

There are several drawbacks  to normal gardening:-

Firstly, the weeds.

The copious amounts of water required throughout the growing season.

The pests, and diseases that can be found in most garden soils.The back-breaking labour.

Digging, weeding, raking etc.

Understanding basic soil science.

Knowing when to water and feed.

The space required for raising vegetables.

Crop rotation.

Finally, garden enemies since almost the dawn of time...... Slugs and snails!!!

So, what are the benefits of Aquaponics?

Firstly, aquaponics works by taking the vegetable garden off of the floor, in other words, we grow in raised beds. End of backache.

Re-cycles fish "waste".

100% Bio. You can't add pesticides or fungicides as that would kill the fish, forcing you to grow biologically.  This is better for all of us.

You only need the water from your "fish tank", meaning only using around 10% of the normal volume of water needed for soil-based growing. (Imagine the savings if your water use is metered.)

You can't get the watering, or fertilizing wrong.

No soil-borne pests, or diseases.

No crop rotation, so no need to plan your vegetable plot year after year.

No weeding.

Slugs and snails are "vertically challenged".  Your plants are better protected against them.

Smaller growing area requirements.

100% organic vegetables.

The opportunity to grow your own fish for your kitchen table!


You can grow indoors and outdoors.

Systems can be Large, Medium, Small, Miniature.... in fact, any size that suits you, your family, and your budget.

Your carbon footprint from shopping for fish, fruit, and vegetables becomes markedly reduced. 

Good for our planet.

It's fun.

Aquaponics is a way of growing food that is so easy to learn and do.

Children of all ages like gardening, but when comes to Aquaponics, they absolutely love it.  You, as their role-model, could be showing your children how to be self-sufficient.

That is some gift to give. 

Amazon does aquaponics...